Do’s and Don’ts of Customer Service for Beauty and Bodyworkers

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Most beauty and bodyworkers know how important it is to keep their customers happy. After all, even one dissatisfied customer can not only lead to hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars of lost revenue, but they can also influence their friends and family not to visit your massage, hair, or nail studio, thereby making you lose even more money.

When it comes to customer service there are a few rules to follow. The following are 7 do’s and don’ts when it comes to customer service for beauty and bodyworkers.

  1. DO say “Thank you.” There is no excuse for not thanking your clients every time they come to you. Remember, your clients most likely have quite a few other places they can go to get a haircut or a massage other than your establishment. Let your clients know that you really appreciate them coming to you and spending their hard-earned money – even if it is just by telling them thanks.
  2. DO make sure that you are constantly communicating with your clients. Ask them how their visit was and what you could do to make their visit better next time. Listen to them if they have any complaints and do your best to fix the problem ASAP.
  3. DO make sure that you have done everything you can to make your customers happy. For example, it’s true that you can’t always control your schedule and help the client right when they’d like, but you can make your clients your top (and even better your ONLY) priority while they are at your studio or salon. You might not be able to charge clients the amount they would like to pay, but you can give them an experience where they feel like they are getting their money’s worth.
  4. DO commit yourself to excellent customer service. Make it a priority of your business and make sure that everything you do is done with your clients in mind. Customer service is not just dealing with complaints – it is ensuring that your clients have a good experience. Beauty and Bodywork Insurance offers beauty and bodywork insurance for only $96 a year and the application can be filled out online in ten minutes or less. Visit the website to see more information on the insurance policies offered.
  5. DO follow up with clients anytime they have a request or a complaint. Don’t ignore your clients even when their requests seem to be bordering on the ridiculous, or they start to complain about things that are beyond your control. If you ignore them, your clients could become bitter and decide to spend their money elsewhere.
  6. DON’T become unprofessional. Ever. Even if the customer is acting like a spoiled brat and making a huge scene, don’t lose your cool. In many cases other clients watching the scene are on your side (as in they are watching the scene and admire the way you are responding), but if you start to yell or scream or make a scene yourself, they may not be on your side any longer.
  7. DON’T always let clients get their own way. This goes against “The customer is always right” rule because, well, the customer is NOT always right. If you are dealing with a client that is trying to cheat you or bully you into doing something irrational (or even illegal) just to please them, they are not in the right. This doesn’t give you an excuse to be rude, but it is OK to say no to customers.

Do you have other do’s and don’ts of customer service that have worked for you? Want to discuss our 7 tips? Please comment below.

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