Massage Therapy Liability Insurance Comparison

You already know you need massage therapy insurance. Great job on doing your research!

To make things simpler for you, we at Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI) have created a massage liability insurance comparison guide.

Read up on what massage insurance policies are available on the market. And find out why BBI’s massage therapy insurance policy is an easy choice for keeping your business protected.

Why Choose BBI for Massage Insurance

BBI offers comprehensive massage insurance designed for professionals like you. Our massage therapy policy starts at only $9.99 a month and checks all the boxes for industry-preferred coverage.

Since 2012, we’ve worked to support massage therapists with easy, flexible insurance at one of the most affordable prices available. To meet your profession’s needs, we now offer occurrence-based coverage* to give you long-term peace of mind as you care for your clients.

Plus, we have rolled out multiple coverage tiers for your tools and equipment so you can choose how to protect your business essentials.

But our commitment to you doesn’t stop there. Our excellent massage liability policy comes with a customer-approved support team that’s there for you every step of the way.

So check out our massage therapy insurance comparison and see for yourself why BBI is the perfect match for your business.

*New policies purchased after July 1, 2024 are occurrence-based. Policies purchased or renewed before July 1, 2024 are claims-made and will be eligible to become occurrence-based after July 1, 2025.

Massage Insurance Comparison

Let’s take a look at how BBI compares to other massage insurance companies.


Massage Insurance Yearly Pricing:
Insure LMT: $94
BBI: $96
MMIP: $169
Hands On Trade: $175
ABMP: $199 / $229
AMTA: $235

BBI’s base policy starts at just $96 per year, or $9.99 a month. The next most affordable option is Massage Magazine Insurance Plus’ policy, which is $169 annually. From there, competitor prices only increase, with our most expensive competitor, AMTA, offering coverage at $235 a year.

Insure LMT technically offers the cheapest massage policy at $94. However, they do not offer monthly payment options, which can be a deterrent for massage therapists on a tight budget.

Cheap insurance doesn’t always mean great insurance. In fact, it could be an indicator of hidden fees or coverage gaps.

BBI’s pricing is deliberately transparent. Pay only for what you need and get top-rated insurance you can count on.

It’s important to understand your policy’s liability limits — this is how much money is available to you when you make a claim.

For general and professional liability coverage, you will have an occurrence limit, that is the maximum amount your insurer will pay per claim. You’ll also have an aggregate limit, the maximum amount your insurer will pay for the entire policy period.

BBI’s liability limits are balanced and are set at the industry standard: $2M per occurrence and $3M in aggregate coverage.

Liability limits should not be set too low — not enough coverage for potential claims. Neither should they be set unrealistically high, potentially driving up the price of your premium.

All of our main competitors have the same occurrence and aggregate limits, except for ABMP and AMTA. Both offer $2M occurrence and $6M aggregate limits. These higher aggregate limits are reflected in their higher policy prices.

In addition, AMTA’s aggregate limit is shared among policyholders. That means once their claim payouts reach the master policy’s yearly cap of $10M, the funds are depleted — for everyone.

Similarly, Insure LMT and MMIP have a $15M RPG (risk purchasing group) aggregate limit that all policyholders share. So, if that pool of funds is used, policyholders may be left with only a partial individual limit.

With BBI, you never, ever have to share liability limits. We think those should be yours alone to claim.

Liability Limits

Massage Insurance Liability Limits:
Insure LMT:
$2M per occurrence / $3M annual aggregate ($15M RPG aggregate)
$2M per occurrence / $3M annual aggregate
$2M per occurrence / $3M annual aggregate ($15M RPG aggregate)
Hands On Trade:
$2M per occurrence / $3M annual aggregate
$2M per occurrence / $6M annual aggregate
$2M per occurrence / $6M annual aggregate ($10M master policy aggregate)

Tools and Supplies Coverage

Tools and Supplies Coverage Options:
Insure LMT : ✖️
BBI: Starts at $2/month
MMIP: ✖️
Hands On Trade: ✖️
ABMP: Starts at $95/year
AMTA: ✖️

BBI now offers multiple coverage tiers for your tools and supplies starting at just $2/month. Choose from $2,000 in aggregate coverage (the total coverage limit per policy year), or level up to our higher tier: $10,000 in aggregate coverage. You’ll have peace of mind that your business gear can be replaced in case of loss or theft.

No other competitor offers tools and supplies insurance, except for ABMP. However, their options are more expensive (starting at $95) and have a higher deductible ($500) for claims of theft.

Plus, we make it easy to add this optional coverage at any time, through your user dashboard. If you’d like to add tools and supplies coverage to your existing ABMP policy, you’ll need to call their support team.

Keep your massage table, electronic equipment, and other business essentials protected how you want with BBI’s tools and supplies coverage.

Purchase your BBI massage liability insurance in minutes and get instant coverage.

We know you’re busy and have clients to attend to. That’s why our policy can be purchased in just a few clicks with a downloadable certificate of insurance available at checkout.

Some competitors, like ABMP and AMTA, will make you wait to be properly covered. Not BBI!

We also give you the option to pay for your policy monthly or annually. Choose what works for you. Other insurance companies, like Insure LMT and Hands On Trade, require you to pay for your coverage in full upfront — no flexibility, no pausing, and a bigger strain on your wallet.

And membership fees? BBI wouldn’t do that to you! With our massage insurance policy, there are never any extra hoops to jump through. Association-based competitors bundle their insurance coverage with benefits you may never use.

If you’re looking for straightforward insurance that’s simply priced, BBI’s got you covered.

Additional Benefits

Massage Liability Insurance Comparison Chart

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)

Insure LMT

Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

Hands on Trade

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)








Membership Required







General and Professional Liability Included?

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gray checkmark icon

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Occurrence Form Coverage


gray checkmark icon

gray checkmark icon

gray checkmark icon

gray checkmark icon

gray checkmark icon

Aggregate Limit

$3 Million

$3 Million

$6 Million

$3 Million

$6 Million

$3 Million

Occurrence Limit

$2 Million

$2 Million

$2 Million

$2 Million

$2 Million

$2 Million

Personal/ Advertising Injury Coverage

gray checkmark icon

gray checkmark icon

grey x icon

gray checkmark icon

gray checkmark icon

Rental Damage Coverage







Equipment Coverage
(Inland Marine Coverage)

Multiple coverage tiers available (starting at $16/year)

grey x icon

Additional $95 per year

grey x icon

grey x icon

grey x icon

Unlimited Additional Insureds

gray checkmark icon

gray checkmark icon

grey x icon

gray checkmark icon

grey x icon

One policy for hundreds of modalities

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No Shared Limits

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Discount on CE Courses

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grey x icon

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Monthly Payments Available

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grey x icon

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Instant Coverage

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grey x icon

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grey x icon

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*If you purchased your policy after July 1, 2024, your policy is an occurrence-based policy. If you purchased or renewed your policy before July 1, 2024, your policy is a claims-made policy and is eligible to become an occurrence-based policy after July 1, 2025.

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)

Insure LMT

Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

Hands on Trade

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)








Membership Required







General and Professional Liability Included?

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gray checkmark icon

gray checkmark icon

gray checkmark icon

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Occurrence Form Coverage


gray checkmark icon

gray checkmark icon

gray checkmark icon

gray checkmark icon

gray checkmark icon

Aggregate Limit

$3 Million

$3 Million

$6 Million

$3 Million

$6 Million

$3 Million

Occurrence Limit

$2 Million

$2 Million

$2 Million

$2 Million

$2 Million

$2 Million

Advertising Injury

gray checkmark icon

gray checkmark icon

grey x icon

gray checkmark icon

gray checkmark icon

Damage Coverage







Equipment Coverage (Inland Marine Coverage)

Multiple coverage tiers available (starting at $16/year)

grey x icon

Additional $95 per year

grey x icon

grey x icon

grey x icon

Unlimited Additional Insureds

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grey x icon

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One Policy for Hundreds of Modalities

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No Shared Limits

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Discount on CE Courses

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Monthly Payments Available

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Instant Coverage

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*If you purchased your policy after July 1, 2024, your policy is an occurrence-based policy. If you purchased or renewed your policy before July 1, 2024, your policy is a claims-made policy and is eligible to become an occurrence-based policy after July 1, 2025.


Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)


Insure LMT


Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)


Hands on Trade


American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)


Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)


Membership Required

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)


Insure LMT


Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)


Hands on Trade


American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)


Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP) 


General and Professional Liability Included?

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)

Insure LMT

gray checkmark icon

Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

gray checkmark icon

Hands on Trade

gray checkmark icon

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

gray checkmark icon

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)

gray checkmark icon

Occurrence Form Coverage

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)

*If you purchased your policy after July 1, 2024, your policy is an occurrence-based policy. If you purchased or renewed your policy before July 1, 2024, your policy is a claims-made policy and is eligible to become an occurrence-based policy after July 1, 2025.

Insure LMT

gray checkmark icon

Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

gray checkmark icon

Hands on Trade

gray checkmark icon

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

gray checkmark icon

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)

gray checkmark icon

Aggregate Limit

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)

$3 Million

Insure LMT

$3 Million

Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

$6 Million

Hands on Trade

$3 Million

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

$6 Million

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)

$3 Million

Occurrence Limit

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)

$2 Million

Insure LMT

$2 Million

Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

$2 Million

Hands on Trade

$2 Million

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

$2 Million

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)

$2 Million

Advertising Injury

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)

Insure LMT

gray checkmark icon

Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

gray checkmark icon

Hands on Trade

grey x icon

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

gray checkmark icon

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)

gray checkmark icon

Damage Coverage

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)


Insure LMT


Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)


Hands on Trade


American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)


Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)


Equipment Coverage (Inland Marine Coverage)

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)

Multiple coverage tiers available (starting at $16/year)

Insure LMT

grey x icon

Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

Additional $95 per year

Hands on Trade

grey x icon

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

grey x icon

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)

grey x icon

Unlimited Additional Insureds

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)

Insure LMT

gray checkmark icon


Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

gray checkmark icon

Hands on Trade

grey x icon

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

gray checkmark icon

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)

grey x icon

One Policy for Hundreds of Modalities

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)

Insure LMT

gray checkmark icon

Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

grey x icon

Hands on Trade

grey x icon

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

grey x icon

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)

gray checkmark icon

No Shared Limits

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)

Insure LMT

grey x icon

Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

gray checkmark icon

Hands on Trade

gray checkmark icon

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

grey x icon

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)

grey x icon

Discount on CE Courses

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)

Insure LMT

gray checkmark icon

Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

gray checkmark icon

Hands on Trade

grey x icon

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

gray checkmark icon

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)

gray checkmark icon

Monthly Payments Available

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)

Insure LMT

grey x icon

Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

gray checkmark icon

Hands on Trade

grey x icon

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

gray checkmark icon

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)

gray checkmark icon

Instant Coverage

Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI)

Insure LMT

gray checkmark icon

Massage Association & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

grey x icon

Hands on Trade

gray checkmark icon

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

grey x icon

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP)

gray checkmark icon

Tips for Massage Therapy Liability Insurance Comparison

Your massage insurer of choice may check all of your initial boxes for pricing, coverage, and convenience, but you’ll also need the reassurance that you’ll be supported through every step after purchase. So be sure to see how their customer service stacks up.

BBI boasts a customer service satisfaction score of 94. That means the overwhelming majority of our policyholders leave a call with our agents feeling as satisfied as possible. (By the way, our closest competitor’s score? A 74.)

Just as every client is different, so, too, is every massage therapy business. That’s why it’s important to find an insurance policy that you can customize to fit your specific needs.

BBI’s massage therapy policy packages general and professional liability insurance with products and completed operations coverage, plus fire legal liability coverage. With this as your base, add on extra coverages like tools and supplies coverage, cyber liability insurance, or even unlimited additional insureds.

Your policy should work for you, not the other way around.

Lower rates could potentially mean hidden fees or shared limits that you could end up paying the price for later. On the other hand, more expensive policies could be padded with extra benefits you may never use (or limits you’d never realistically reach).

BBI offers one of the most affordable policies on the market with top-tier coverage to match. Tailor your policy and pay only for what you need.

Some competitors pay out all of their claims from each policyholder from one bucket: a shared aggregate limit. That means you’re essentially paying to help other policyholders stay covered. And yes, there’s a chance those other insureds could deplete the funds — scary, right?

With BBI, you’ll never share limits with anyone else. Your individual aggregate limits are 100% your own, because protecting your business shouldn’t be left to chance.

It’s no surprise that hiring a legal team and investigating a claim can be costly. But did you know that some of the other guys will subtract these expenses from your claim payout and hand them off to you to pay out of pocket?

BBI will never take your claim defense and investigation costs out of your limit. They’re paid separately to preserve more coverage for future claims.

Let Our Customers Convince You

You’ve seen how BBI outshines the rest. Now let our happy customers seal the deal.
DirkBodywork Professional
"I recommend it to everyone."

Great comprehensive coverage that conforms to the needs of the home office, studio, atelier and business while also considering health, employees and auto. Great buy! I recommend it to everyone because it’s a very affordable insurance that can be molded to the business’ complexity or simplicity. Amazing!
CamilleNail Tech
"Easy to understand"

Working for the first time in three years, I asked a friend about insurance, she highly recommended Beauty & Body work , it was a great site, easy to understand and lots of follow up. Im happy to be working again!
Kris Christy
Kris ChristyMassage Therapist
"6 minutes is all it took"

Easy peasy, I think about 6 minutes is all it took and immediately. I had my proof of insurance!
Latoya Mosley
Latoya MosleyLash Artist
"Easy to apply"

So at ease knowing I have insurance on my new Lash business and it was easy to apply.
Autumn Zebroff
Autumn ZebroffEsthetician
"Super fast online purchase."

Super fast online purchase for my esthetician business...Had a few questions before I purchased spoke with a very helpful associate that doesn't work on commission.
Jillian Walsh
Jillian WalshSpray Tanning
"Seamless and affordable"

So happy I found Beauty & Bodywork Insurance. The process to insure my spray tanning business was seamless and affordable. Just what I needed!

The #1 Trusted Insurance Provider for Beauty Professionals

Coverage From $9.99/month or $96/year
Have Questions? Licensed agents are here to help: 888.568.0548

Disclaimer: The information presented on this page was compiled from a variety of online sources, including our competitors’ websites and other industry-relevant sites. Though Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI) has done its best to provide correct information, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Incorrect information will be updated when brought to our attention.

FAQs About Massage Insurance Comparison

The best insurance for massage therapists should offer comprehensive coverage, including general and professional liability, at an affordable rate. Look for a policy with industry-standard occurrence and aggregate limits, occurrence-based coverage, and proven customer service.

BBI’s massage liability insurance checks all of these boxes and more.

Yes, BBI’s massage insurance policy covers you if you work at multiple locations or offer mobile services. Your coverage goes where you go, from the spa to the wellness center and beyond.

BBI is licensed to insure massage therapists nearly nationwide for over 250 modalities. Learn more about our massage insurance coverage by state.

When comparing massage insurance, some hidden fees to look out for are required membership fees for associations or extra modality coverage fees if you practice more than one technique.

With BBI, you never have to pay membership fees, and our pricing for add-on coverage is clear. We believe in uncomplicating insurance so you can get covered quickly and get back to your clients.

Check with your state’s board of massage therapy for details on their specific insurance requirements. To help you get started, we’ve put together a guide for massage therapy license requirements by state that also includes information on massage liability prerequisites.