Massage Therapist Insurance Requirements: Stay Licensed, Protected & Ready to Practice

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A female massage therapist wearing a black uniform smiles and looks into the distance in her massage room.

After hours of study, hundreds more of practice, and a challenging final board exam, one of the last things you feel like is more paperwork. But, your state license application is the last little knot you need to work out before launching your massage career.

In addition to your primary application forms, more states require proof of personal liability insurance to approve or renew your license. Ease the tension of figuring out these massage therapist insurance requirements with our comprehensive overview.

Woman on a massage table with her eyes closed while a massage therapist massages her head.

States With Massage Therapist Insurance Requirements

Forty-six states require massage therapists to have a license to practice. Of those 46, 11 states require massage therapists to provide proof of insurance to obtain and renew their state licensure.

States requiring liability insurance to obtain or renew a massage therapist license include:

ProTip: Discover more details about your state’s massage therapist licensing requirements and links to your state licensing board’s website.

Four states have no official licensing regulations as of this writing. While the state government may not require massage therapists to have a license, some municipalities may still have their own requirements.

States without licensing laws:

  • Kansas: No statewide licensing requirements. Legislation to implement licensing regulations was introduced in 2023 but died in committee in 2024.
  • Minnesota: No current statewide licensing requirements.
  • Vermont: No statewide licensing requirements, but you must register with the state.
  • Wyoming: No current statewide licensing requirements.

New Massage Therapy Licensing Regulations

The Council of State Governments (CSG) partnered with the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB) to introduce the Interstate Massage Compact (IMpact), which will make it easier for massage therapists to be mobile and improve the public’s access to care.

IMpact is a legal agreement between states that will allow massage therapists to apply for multistate licenses instead of undergoing the time- and money-consuming licensure process in every state.

IMpact’s legislative language was finalized and introduced to states in 2023. In 2024, Ohio and Nevada became the first states to enact the compact. Nine other states have pending legislation to adopt IMpact as of early 2025.

Once enacted by seven total states, the compact will go into effect, and massage therapists will be able to practice in each member state without applying for a new license in every state.

To receive a multistate license, you must keep your home state’s license in good standing – which means if your home state requires liability insurance, you need insurance even if you go to work in a different member state.

States with pending IMpact legislation include:

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Connecticut
  • Georgia
  • Illinois
  • Maine
  • Montana
  • New York
  • Virginia

Learn the current status of pending IMpact legislation here.

What Types of Massage Therapist Insurance Coverage Are Required per State?

Each state has its own insurance requirements for massage therapists, so it’s best to double-check with your local laws.

Based on industry standards across the country, you’ll likely need both general and professional liability insurance.

  • General liability is designed for third-party bodily injury or property damage claims (claims involving injury or damage to others, not yourself or property owned by you). For example, a client with sensitive skin gets a hot stone massage for the first time and receives a second-degree burn. You could be responsible for their medical bill.
  • Professional liability is designed for claims related to the advice you gave while providing your services. For example, if you train a client for six months and they don’t get the results they believe you promised, they could sue you. It is sometimes referred to as malpractice insurance or errors and omissions coverage.

Of the 11 states that include liability insurance in their licensing requirements, six list specific minimums an applicant’s policy must meet.

  • Alabama: Applicant must provide proof of current professional and general liability insurance with an “A” rated or better insurance carrier in the amount of at least $1,000,000.
  • Connecticut: Massage therapists must have professional liability insurance or “other indemnity against liability for professional malpractice” that includes at least $250,000 per person, per occurrence, with a total (aggregate) amount of at least $1,000,000.
  • Georgia: “Applicants must submit proof of liability insurance coverage for bodily injury, property damage, and professional liability” of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence, with a minimum total annual limit of $3,000,000 for all occurrences.
  • Massachusetts: Applicants must provide proof of professional liability insurance that includes at least $1,000,000 per occurrence and at least $1,000,000 aggregate.
  • New Jersey: Applicants must provide proof of professional liability insurance with a minimum limit of “$1,000,000.00 per occurrence and $3,000,000.00 aggregate per policy year.”
  • South Dakota: Applicants must provide “proof of at least $250,000 in malpractice insurance with an absence of professional misconduct.”

Even in states without legally mandated insurance requirements for massage therapists, most employers and landlords require you to have liability insurance before allowing you to practice.

Close up of a woman receiving a face and jaw massage.

Why is Liability Insurance Becoming a Requirement for Massage Therapists?

The short answer: Because people could get hurt. And they could sue, costing you and any massage business you’re associated with a lot of money.

The more thorough answer: Recognition for massage therapy as a health and wellness profession is on the rise, leading states to establish more regulations around the industry to protect both practitioners and the public.

Liability insurance is a requirement for most employers, regardless of state mandates, because accidents can happen regardless of how educated, safe, or careful you are. People can still get hurt (and file lawsuits.)

Even if an injury was unintentional or not through any actual fault of your own, a client could still claim negligence. Plus, some accidents cause property damage that would be deemed your responsibility to pay for.

A bearded massage therapist works on a client's calf muscles.

Protect Your Massage Therapy Practice With BBI

In the event of a claim, medical bills, legal fees, and property damage costs can quickly add up to staggering amounts. BBI’s massage therapist liability insurance is designed to ease these financial burdens.

Our insurance for massage therapists includes general and professional liability in one policy, with up to $3,000,000 in coverage, so you can efficiently meet state requirements.

Reduce your paperwork headache and get one policy for all your services, wherever you work, with a mobile and versatile massage therapy policy from BBI!

Get covered with instant proof of insurance today for as low as $9.99 per month or $96 per year.

badge that says licensed and insured

Frequently Asked Questions About Insurance Requirements for Massage Therapists

Common coverage minimums are $1,000,000 per occurrence and at least $1,000,000 (usually more) aggregate. An occurrence refers to a single incident or claim, and aggregate means the total amount in a policy year.

Insurance coverage minimums are subject to change. Check with local laws when determining the coverage you need.

You could face large fees or a rejected license application without liability insurance.

If a claim is made against you, you’ll likely be left to pay legal fees, medical expenses, and more — out of your personal accounts. This means even one claim could bankrupt your blooming business.

Check your state’s massage therapy licensing board website for updated regulations. Applications for licensing on those sites typically list all the documentation you need to provide, including insurance minimums if they exist.

Discover more details about your state’s massage therapist licensing requirements and links to your state licensing board’s website.

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