Ten Tips for Taking Care of Yourself as a Massage Therapist

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As a massage therapist, you spend your career taking care of others, and it is important that you don’t forget to take care of yourself as well. Here are some tips for taking care of yourself as a massage therapist.

  1. Incorporate yoga into your exercise, particularly stretches that open your shoulders and strengthen your arms.
  2. Get your flu shot.
  3. Take good care of your hands. They work hard for you. Try soaking your hands in a warm tub of bath salts and then applying a generous amount of hand lotion.
  4. Practice good posture. Because you are on your feet for most of your day, it is important to focus on strengthening your core and your back to maintain good posture. This, of course, is not just to keep you looking confident. Great posture is great for your health. One tip you might try in addition to abdominal exercises is placing a yoga block between your upper back and a wall. Keep your shoulders open and hold the block there while you read or watch TV. This will help train your back to stay strong and straight.
  5. Practice meditation. You help others to relax and reset, but do you practice this enough in your own life?
  6. Get a massage once in awhile. That’s right. Massage therapy can do wonders, and you of all people deserve to have a massage in your life. Plus, it’s important to be reminded of what it’s like to be a client sometimes and to learn from other MTs.
  7. Give yourself a day off. Being a massage therapist is a lot like being an athlete for a living, so you not only deserve a day off, but your body probably really needs it.
  8. Stay hydrated.
  9. Find a network. Many massage therapists are self-employed, so they don’t have the benefit of having coworkers to talk to about their concerns and share their insights with. If you don’t have a network of other massage therapists to rely on, find one, either through social media, friends or a professional organization.
  10. Keep a journal. If you start to feel burned out or like all of your days are running together, a journal can be the place you go to express your frustrations and rediscover the value of every day of your life.

Bonus tip: Protect yourself and your business with general & professional liability insurance!


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Lyndsey Larsen is the Marketing Manager for Beauty & Bodywork Insurance and writes about business, marketing, entrepreneurship, and insurance.

Lyndsey Larsen is an experienced writer with a background in corporate communications and nonprofits, SAAS corporations, and nutraceutical companies. She has previously worked as a journalist for regional and national publications. In her spare time, she enjoys chasing butterflies, rockhounding, and spending time with her two kids in Utah’s mountains or deserts.

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